
Chelsea Trusted 135 Years SPOT

Bush Lemon Marmalade

By Chelsea Sugar
Bush Lemon Marmalade
1 serving
  • 1 review

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Prep time 48 hrs
  • Cooking time 2 hrs
  • Serves

    8 Bush Lemons
    2 Tablespoons Salt
    3kg Chelsea White Sugar


    1 : Cover the whole lemons with water in a bowl, add the salt, cover and stand for 2 days. Drain and discard the salted water.
    2 : Cut the lemons in halves, squeeze the juice and strain into a large bowl. Add 2 litres of water.
    3 : With a sharp spoon scrape out the pulp from the lemons and place in a separate bowl with seeds and any pulp remaining in the sieve. Add 500ml of water, cover and stand a further 12 hours.
    4 : Mince the lemon skins or put them through a food processor.
    5 : Add the minced skin to the bowl containing the lemon juice and water. Cover, and let stand for 12 hours.
    6 : Strain the liquid from the seeds and pulp and add this liquid to the juice, rind and water.
    7 : Place in a large saucepan. Simmer gently, uncovered, for about an hour, then add the warmed Chelsea White Sugar.
    8 : Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then boil rapidly until jam gels when tested on a saucer. This will probably take nearly an hour. Pour into hot sterilised jars and seal.

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Average Rating
(1 review)

This is a great recipe, I haven't bought marmalade for years. I wonder if it would also work for bush mandarins?

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