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Fairy Floss Pancakes
Fairy Floss Pancakes

Fairy Floss Pancakes

10 mins
15 mins
Keep my screen awake
  • Ingredients
  • Method



  • 2 cups Edmonds Self Raising Flour
  • ¼ cup Chelsea Caster Sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups Meadow Fresh Milk
  • Red food colouring
  • butter to grease frypan

To serve

  • Berry ripple ice cream
  • Chelsea Natural Flavoured Syrups - Vanilla, Maple or Honey Maple.
  • Chelsea Icing Sugar
  • Pink fairy floss

Chelsea Products in Recipe

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Icing Sugar

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In a large bowl, whisk together the Edmonds Self Raising Flour, Chelsea Caster Sugar, vanilla, egg and Meadow Fresh Milk to a smooth consistency.
Heat a large fry pan on medium heat and grease with Tararua Butter. Pour enough batter to make four 8cm rounds in the pan. Flip pancakes once bubbles have filled the surface. Remove from heat and keep warm.
Add a few drops of red food colouring to the bowl and whisk again. Pour four more pancakes into the pan and keep repeating the process adding a few drops of colouring after each set of four pancakes.
Stack the coloured pancakes, lightest to darkest, on each plate.
Dust with Chelsea Icing Sugar, then top with halved strawberries, a scoop of berry ripple ice cream and a large pinch of fairy floss. Serve with Chelsea Natural Flavoured Syrup.

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