
Chelsea Trusted 135 Years SPOT

Pear Condé Dessert

By Chelsea Sugar
Pear Condé Dessert
5 servings
  • 2 reviews

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Prep time 5 mins
  • Cooking time 15 mins
  • Serves

    2 cups milk
    1/2 cup short grain rice
    1/4 cup Chelsea Coffee Sugar Crystals
    425g tin pear halves, drained
    About 50g grapes
    1/4 cup apricot jam


    Put the milk, rice and Chelsea Coffee Sugar Crystals into a 1 litre glass measuring jug. Cook on high power in microwave (100%) for about 15 minutes or until rice is cooked and the liquid absorbed, stir occasionally during cooking.
    Transfer to a 13cm x 5cm soufflé dish and allow to cool slightly. Invert soufflé dish on to a serving plate, decorate with sliced pears and grapes. Warm the apricot jam and spoon over the fruit, serve warm.

    This recipe has not been tested by Chelsea Sugar.

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Average Rating
(2 reviews)

The size of jug is far too small for amount of ingredients and spills over

Not too great you need nearly 0.5 times more milk and microwaving is dangerous with milk it will very quickly boil over and make a big mess also takes around 30 mins not 15

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